Sponsor a Reward
SPONSOR A REWARD. Your support helps us raise funds to protect our communities animals and provide urgent care, safe spaces, and rehabilitation to animals that have suffered abuse. Many of our rescues must stay with us for prolonged periods of time in order to recover from their trauma. The Nassau County SPCA also maintains a Reward Program for information leading to the arrest and conviction of animal cruelty or dog fighting. It is important that our community understand the difference one call can make and how it can save a life. Rewards encourage the public to speak up against animal cruelty and let animal abusers know that the public will not stay quiet. Sponsor a reward in your name or the name of your business.

Step 2: Sponsor a Reward
Thank you for your interest in becoming a sponsor. When you sponsor a reward, you help encourage. thepublic to speak up against animal cruelty.
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PetSmart Charities

Marcum Workplace Challenge
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