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You'll save two lives. With more people surrendering pets than adopting, shelter staff are forced to make difficult decisions and euthanize pets to make space for incoming animals. Adopting rather than shopping for your next pet will help to reduce the number of animals euthanized. Adopting a pet actually saves TWO LIVES as you free up space for another animal in need to find lasting love through the wonder of adoption. It is a FUN experience and you’ll feel good opening your heart and home to a shelter pet.

Most shelter pets are homeless through no fault of their own. Divorce, financial constraints, time limitations, and NOT the animal’s health and/or behavior are the most common reasons an animal is left homeless. And, whenever someone buys a pet, a shelter pet loses out on a home. More often than not, puppies come from puppy mills - mass dog breeding facilities where the animals are housed in inhumane, filthy and deplorable conditions. Many never see the light of day, receive human attention, exercise, and veterinary care, and are repeatedly bred for profit. As a result, puppy mill animals often have behavioral and health issues. “Retired” breeders are often abandoned, sold at auction or inhumanely euthanized. ADOPT, DON’T SHOP. If people continue buying from pet stores and mills, there will always be a market for the animals raised in these horrid conditions.


Our rescue animals need a place to feel safe, a place to learn love, heal, and regain their trust in people.


Animals that have foster families have a much greater chance of getting adopted. Foster families learn so much about their foster rescue that they become expert matchmakers resulting in successful loving forever adoptive homes!


Commitment issues? No worries! We are looking for overnight, weekend, weekly, monthly, and long-term foster homes. Love doesn’t cost a thing. We provide it all! Food, crate, litter, training tools, and medical care. You provide a loving home.


No problem! All animals big and small are looking for foster homes.

Nassau County SPCA

Male | 5 Years Old

Nassau County SPCA

Male | 4 Years Old

Nassau County SPCA

Male | 2 Years Old

Nassau County SPCA

Female | 7 Years Old

Nassau County SPCA

Female | 10 Years Old

Nassau County SPCA

Female | 12 Years Old

Nassau County SPCA

Female | 6 Months Old

Nassau County SPCA
Red Tiger

Male | 8 Years Old

Nassau County SPCA

Male | 2 Years Old

Nassau County SPCA

Male | 5 Years Old

Nassau County SPCA

Male | 3 Years Old

Want to know more about one of our pets?

Are you interested in Adopting or Fostering?


Heleen V.

"An organization concerned with all the animals in Nassau County who need help. They have a big heart for the animals under their care and find them loving forever homes."


"Phenomenal organization dedicated to protecting thousands of animals in the county and consistently putting away those who harm that they have an Animal Disaster Response program."

Lauren G.

"The people who selflessly run this organization are worthy of so much. Thank you for your adoption services, and for protecting the animals in our communities."

Looking for homes

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